herbie | prints

Chicago Neighborhood Map

Print | Giclee on art paper

Prints starting at $16
Framed prints starting at $45

This is a neighborhood map of Chicago with the colors of the Chicago White Sox.

Confirmation and shipping:
Custom framed prints usually require 3-5 business days to complete. Multiple shipping options are available.

Framed prints and customization:
Framed prints include high-quality, custom black frames and are matted (See print images above for a typical example). Other kinds of frames and options may be available by request. Contact
info@shopherbie.com for any order or frame customization requests.

What is Giclee (zhee-klei) printing?

Giclee printing is a name given to a digital print-making process used to produce high quality, archival prints and reproductions of artwork. Modern Giclee prints should be printed...

  • using an advanced, large format ink jet printer, which utilizes 8 or more pigments, not simply cyan, maroon, yellow, and black (CMYK).

  • on a high-quality, archival substrate (such as fine art paper).